WWE NXT Results (11/20): Winter Park, FL

The November 20th, 2019 edition of WWE NXT on USA Network aired live from Full Sail University in Winter Park, FL.

– This week’s broadcast opens up with Williams Regal backstage at the NXT Arena at FSU. He’s outside a door with security, and Becky Lynch walks out and heads towards the Gorilla position.

– Becky Lynch comes out to the ring to kick off the show as Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuinness and Beth Phoenix welcome us on commentary. Becky gets a mixed reaction from the crowd, and she gets on the mic and talks about how it’s been a while she’s been here. She says they won’t have to wait to see her kick someone’s ass, because she’s ready for a fight. She says she was already coming here tonight before Triple H issued his open invite. She cuts a promo on Charlotte and Shayna Baszler, and it sounds like she’s calling out Shayna for a match tonight. Rhea Ripley comes out to interrupt. Rhea says if Lynch is the man, let’s see if she has a set of balls. She hits the ring, and so does a ref.

Rhea Ripley vs. Becky Lynch: This one is a non-Title match. The opening bell sounds and they lock up. They fight into the corner and Lynch is first to take Rhea down to the mat. Rhea rolls outside and pulls Lynch out with her, slamming her into the apron. Rhea controls the next several moments of this one. She wastes some time talking trash, and Lynch starts mounting a comeback. Lynch goes up top, but Rhea knocks her down to the mat. They trade shots back and forth, then Rhea slams Lynch face first for a two count. She rolls Lynch up again for another two count. Lynch fires back with an enziguri, then she goes up top and hits a flying leg drop for a two count. Lynch looks for the Disarm Her but Rhea fights out. Rhea is unable to execute a powerbomb, and Lynch start fighting back. They brawl back and forth some more, then Shayna Baszler, Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke run in and attack both Lynch and Ripley.

Winner: No contest

– After the bell, Lynch and Rhea fight back successfully and clear the ring.

– A black truck arrives backstage and The Revival gets out. Security escorts them into the arena as we go to commercial.

– Kona Reeves and Matt Riddle come out for a match, but then Ricochet comes out of nowhere and attacks Reeves at ringside. It looks like Reeves can’t compete, so Ricochet is taking his place.

– Matt Riddle vs. Ricochet: They go at it right off the opening bell, and Ricochet dumps Riddle out to ringside early on. Ricochet runs and dives with a suicide dive on Riddle at ringside, then takes him back in the ring. Ricochet looks for a standing shooting star press, but Riddle reverses it and looks for a submission on Ricochet. Ricochet breaks free and they brawl back and forth in the ring until Riddle hits a floater suplex for a two count. Ricochet fires back with a neckbreaker for a two count of his own. Ricochet misses a Phoenix Splash attempt, and Riddle starts laying into him with strikes. Riddle hits the FInal Flash and a German suplex. Suddenly, Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura show up in the crowd wearing SmackDown shirts. They get on the apron, but Riddle and Ricochet knock them down. Riddle and Ricochet go back to fighting each other, and Riddle rolls up Ricochet for the win.

Winner: Matt Riddle

– Cesaro and Nakamura beat down Riddle and Ricochet after the match. Riddle and Ricochet fight back and Ricochet hits a shot off the top on both of them. Finn Balor hits the ring now and takes out Riddle. Riddle fights back and hits the Final Flash on Balor. Ricochet and Riddle clear the ring as their attackers retreat.

– We see NXT Tag Champs Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish backstage warming up.

– The broadcast team hypes up the cards for Takeover and Survivor Series this weekend.

– The Revival vs. The Undisputed Era: Kyle and Dawson start off trading strikes and grappling for position on the mat. Fish tags in for the double team early on. Wilder tags in and fights off both Undisputed Era members. Fish and Kyle overpower Wilder, but Dawson gets back up now to even the odds. They trade double team offense and reversals, then have a stand-off and the crowd pops. They start brawling all over the ring, and it spills out to ringside as we go to commercial. Back from the break, The Era takes control back in the ring. Fish and O’Reilly control the next several moments of the match. Fans rally for The Revival and Dash finally starts fighting out of The Era’s corner. O’Reilly keeps the pressure on Dash and dropkicks him out of the ring. O’Reilly follows up with a running knee to the face on Dash on the apron. Back in the ring, the two teams go back and forth aggressively and the crowd is really into this one. Dash hits a big DDT on Kyle from the apron to the floor, then back in the ring The Revival hits their superplex and splash double team on Fish, but he kicks out at 2 and The Revival can’t believe it. Fish starts fighting back now and trading strikes with Dawson. Kyle runs back in to assist, but so does Wilder and The Revival hits a Shatter Machine on Fish. Kyle breaks up the pin, then brawls with Dawson at ringside. Back in the ring, Kyle hits a flying knee drop to the back of Dawson’s neck for a two count. The crowd is chanting for both teams as Kyle and Dawson fight it out in the ring. Kyle hits some strikes for a two count, and he’s starting to get frustrated. Dawson comes in for the double team on O’Reilly for a two count. The Era takes out Dash, then they start stalking Dawson in the ring. Dawson tells them to kiss his ass, and they hit the Total Elimination on him for the three count.

Winners: The Undisputed Era

– After the match, we cut to backstage where The Forgotten Sons are being pulled apart from fighting with The Viking Raiders.

– Kay Lee Ray vs. Dakota Kai: This one is a non-Title match. Kai starts off strong off the opening bell and gets a two count early on. They brawl out to ringside briefly, then back into the ring. Back in the ring, Ray turns it around and hits a big suplex for a two count. Kai and Ray go back and forth now until Ray gets the upper hand and works over Kai’s injured knee. She keeps Kai grounded now and talks some trash. Kai finally fights back a double stomp and then a flurry of strikes. They brawl outside again and Kai launches Ray into the ring steps, then throws her back in the ring. Kai hits a series of kicks. Ray fires back now, and she drives Kai into the mat with her finisher for the win.

Winner: Kay Lee Ray

– After the match, Carmella, Dana Brooke, Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville invade. They attack Ray and Kai in the ring. Tegan Nox and other NXT stars hit the ring, then Sarah Logan and the women of RAW hit the ring. Io Shirai and Kairi Sane are both out and brawling. Nikki Cross is swinging weapons around. Rhea Ripley comes out too, and this turns into total chaos. Nikki Cross starts dropping people left and right with a trash can as we go to commercial.

– We see Dominik Dijakovic backstage warming up, and he’s got Tommaso Ciampa with him.

– The Viking Raiders vs. The Forgotten Sons: Jaxson Ryker is at ringside for this non-Title match. Erik starts off with a big dropkick on Blake, dumping him out to ringside. He slams Cutler into the mat next, then Ivar tags in for the double team. The vikings control the opening moments of this one until The Sons are finally able to double team Erik at ringside. Cutler starts working over Erik back in the ring now, and Ryker gets a cheap shot in behind the ref’s back. Cutler continues the offense until Erik finally breaks free and Ivar gets the tag. Ivar cleans house now, and the fight spills out to ringside again. Back in the ring, Ivar continues to control the pace, hitting a cross body on Blake and a splash on Cutler. The Vikings run wild with double teams on both opponents now. Erik gets distracted by Ryker at ringside, and Ryker ends up hitting a big cheap shot. This leads to Cutler giving Erik a Death Valley Driver on the apron. The ref finally ejects Ryker from ringside, but before he can leave, Ivar runs the ropes and hits a big dive on Ryker on the floor. Back in the ring, Cutler continues the offense on Erik until Erik finally fights back with a knee strike. All four men brawl in the ring now, and Ivar hits a handspring double back elbow on the Sons. The Raiders double team Cutler for the three count.

Winners: The Viking Raiders

– Charly Caruso sends us to a video package of Adam Cole commenting on his Title defense against either Pete Dunne, Damian Priest, or Killian Dain at Survivor Series.

– The Undisputed Era is shown backstage as Cole is warming up for his match tonight.

– Dominik Dijakovic vs. Adam Cole: The winner of this match earns the order of entry advantage for their team in WarGames. Cole unloads with strikes off the opening bell, then Dijakovic fires back with some strikes of his own. Dijakovic drops Cole then brings a ladder into the ring. Cole baseball slide kicks him on the way in, then Dijakovic fires back with a big boot. Dijakovic slams Cole on the ladder now, then slams him into it. Dijakovic stands up the ladder and looks to climb it, but Cole stops him and superkicks his knee out. Cole starts working over Dijakovic’s surgically repaired knee now and slams it into the ring post. Cole starts fighting back hits a big neckbreaker on Dijakovic over his knee. Cole climbs but Dijakovic stops him and slams him down through a ladder leaning in the corner. Dijakovic starts climbing, then Cole runs up and hits a big Panama Sunrise on him off the ladder. Fans are going wild now, and Cole climbs the ladder. Dijakovic stops him again and gives him a torture rack into a knee. Dijakovic is still selling his injured knee. Dijakovic slowly climbs the ladder, but Cole meets him on the other side and they struggle for the briefcase. Cole ends up hitting Dijakovic with the briefcase in the head, sending him crashing through the ladder in the corner of the ring. Cole unhooks the briefcase for the win.

Winner: Adam Cole

– After the match, the other Undisputed Era members come out to the ring to celebrate with Cole. A group of SmackDown stars come out to interrupt, including Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler. They surround the Era members on the ramp, and then a bunch of RAW wrestlers come out too, including The Street Profits, The Viking Raiders, Ryder and Hawkins. This quickly turns into a big brawl on the ramp. SmackDown and RAW gang up on NXT, then the RAW and SD wrestlers start attacking each other. More wrestlers run out, including Drew McIntyre who gets in the ring and gives Dijakovic a Claymore Kick. Keith Lee runs in and takes out Drew, then gives him a sit out powerbomb. Ivar hits the ring and hits a suicide dive at the same time Lee does, dropping people all over ringside. Seth Rollins runs in the ring and takes out Cole now with a superkick. Ciapa runs out and drops Cole at ringside, then gets in the ring with Rollins. Ciampa and Rollins start unloading right hands on each other and NXT goes off the air with a massive brawl.

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