3D product rendering is becoming more popular in the field of online sales. Today, product marketing has taken on a new outlook with rising possibilities “Advantages of 3D product renderings for online marketing”
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High Poly and Low Poly 3D Models Difference
High Poly vs Low Poly 3D Models 3D modeling has become the most essential tool for many businesses, including eCommerce, real estate, and many more. “High Poly and Low Poly 3D Models Difference”
OBJ File Format – All You Need To Know About
OBJ Format The OBJ file format is an eminent file format for both 3D Graphics & 3D Printing. Whether it is 3D printing in multicolor “OBJ File Format – All You Need To Know About”
What is 3D Model Optimization? It’s Methods, Tools, and Risks
If your games and 3D apps are running slowly or using too many resources, your 3D model files may be too large. In such a “What is 3D Model Optimization? It’s Methods, Tools, and Risks”
Carrie Underwood Is Embracing Her Facial Scar With Rainbow Makeup and Glitter on Instagram
You may not know it from recent photos of her, but less than a year ago, Carrie Underwood had to get 40 stitches in her “Carrie Underwood Is Embracing Her Facial Scar With Rainbow Makeup and Glitter on Instagram”
Avoiding surface instability and slurry jamming
Researchers have described methods of avoiding surface instability and slurry jamming in simultaneous multilayer coating of structured particulate films. Simultaneous multilayer coating techniques are widely “Avoiding surface instability and slurry jamming”
Bicarbonate of Soda Day
Happy Bicarbonate of Soda Day! Sodium bicarbonate is an extraordinary, naturally occurring substance that is very versatile with uses from baking, cleaning and health treatments. It “Bicarbonate of Soda Day”
Anti-corrosion and anti-fouling superhydrophobic silicone coating with continuous micro/nano structure
Researchers found that superhydrophobic silicone coatings, created by combining special crosslinkers and fluorinated copolymers, are particularly resistant to corrosion and fouling. At present, silicone superhydrophobic “Anti-corrosion and anti-fouling superhydrophobic silicone coating with continuous micro/nano structure”
Alternative for CR(VI) in aircraft coatings
A current research project in Spain is working on finding e-coat alternatives for current Cr(VI) based coatings for the aviation industry. Despite the increasing use “Alternative for CR(VI) in aircraft coatings”
現代人多居住於城市的公寓大樓之中,有人的地方就會有紛爭,在各式各樣的租屋糾紛中,「吵鬧的鄰居」絕對是最難解決的糾紛之ㄧ! 雖然租客比起買房自住族擁有更大的「移動自由」,最後的王牌當然就是提前解約搬家,不過可能還是得賠上違約金……不如從標準的處理辦法做起,維護自己的生活權益。最後租租通還會教你如何避開惡鄰居,讓往後無論是租屋或買房的生活都能更加舒適。 噪音的定義是什麼? 噪音就是不想聽到或讓人感到不舒適的聲音,音量的單位為分貝(dB)。根據行政院環保署噪音管制資訊網的數據,音量在 50-70 分貝之間會引起些微不舒服,如果長期處於音量 70 分貝以上的環境,就會讓人產生焦慮不安,進而引發各種症狀。 而噪音又可以分為幾種類別,以下簡單介紹各類噪音的定義及受理通報單位: 一、近鄰噪音「人或動物發出的噪音」,且具有「不易量測及不具持續之特性」,因為發生時間不固定且難以記錄,所以只有這類型的噪音案件是由警察機關依《社會秩序維護法》來處理。 例如:樓上的人跑跳、寵物吠叫、播放音樂、大聲甩門、彈奏樂器、在家唱卡拉OK 、移動傢俱、房屋裝修施工及冷氣機滴水聲等,另外像是改裝車、車輛警報器噪音通報也是由警察機關受理。 二、民俗噪音由於民俗噪音可以被量測及具有持續性,目前各縣市環保局都有制定特定區域及時間內不得製造民俗噪音的規定,所以如果違反者是可以向環保機關通報,並依《噪音管制法》來開罰。 例如:婚喪喜慶、迎神賽會、舞龍舞獅、布袋戲、歌仔戲、造勢遊行隊伍擴音器等。 三、場所、工程及設施之噪音同民俗噪音的規定,如果違反噪音規範標準,一樣是向環保機關通報,並依《噪音管制法》來開罰。 例如:工廠、娛樂場所、營業場所、營建工程、擴音設施等。 四、其他噪音同上述規定,如果違反噪音規範標準,一樣是向環保機關通報,並依《噪音管制法》來開罰。 例如:道路交通(含捷運、鐵路、高鐵)、航空噪音等。 鄰居很吵、發出噪音怎麼辦? 這邊指的就是「近鄰噪音」的部分,第一步要先找出噪音的源頭和頻率,並進行初步溝通(無論是匿名貼紙條或當面向對方表示),不過會來看這篇文的朋友大概都是溝通無效了,所以接下來我們來說說第二步:收集證據,儘量在噪音發生時錄音錄影(透過分貝計測量噪音,並拍下時鐘或新聞畫面作證),並進到第三步:處理方法。 可養寵、可租補、台水台電計費等各種特色房源等你來搜尋