When It Comes to Global Arms Control, US May Not Get Customary Veto Power

A conference on the global regulation of conventional weapons just reached an agreement to make decisions according to majority vote, not consensus, in what advocates of disarmament and oversight hope will prevent a United Nations Security Council-type scenario, where powerful countries like the United States repeatedly wield veto power.

The Mexican government, which is currently hosting the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) convention in Cancun August 24 through 27, announced the decision Wednesday, according to Reuters.

The first Conference of State Parties to the treaty, the summit brings together representatives of over 100 countries to discuss the ill-regulated global trade in arms. In particular, the gathering is aimed laying “solid foundations for the ATT regime, by notably adopting its rules of procedure and financial rules, agreeing [to] common reporting arrangements and establishing the ATT Secretariat,” according to a statement from the European Union.