We Just Found the Perfect ’90s Jeans For Under $50

If you happened into the InStyle offices last Friday around 2ish—that unfocused moment when everyone’s just finished lunch, and not quite ready to face down their to-dos lists again—you’d have spotted three staffers huddled around a computer in the corner, gesticulating and excitedly talking over each other.

“Wait—how much?!”

“So good!”

“Um, can you guys please back up a little bit?”

That last request was from our senior fashion features editor, Stephanie Trong, who suddenly found herself sandwiched shoulder to shoulder with Callie Turner, our fashion director’s assistant, and yours truly as we scrutinized a pair of perfectly faded, just-cropped-enough high-rise jeans from Asos—the kind you spend an entire afternoon searching for in vintage store before admitting defeat, and shelling out $250 for a designer version that actually fits. These, however, were neither secondhand nor cringingly overpriced; at just under $50, the style felt like a dreamy apparition, far too good to be true. Sure it looked great with the help of a model’s butt and professional lighting, but how did the cut play out IRL?

“A dream fit,” promised Callie, who had just received her pair in the mail a few days prior. “It hit just about an inch over my ankle bone, and I’m just under 5″4. So it would work if you’re a little taller, too.” And the fabric? “Heavy, like vintage denim, and just stiff enough.”

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At this point, our accessories editor, Elana Zadjman’s head pops up from a row if computers. “Wait, where are these magical jeans?!” A few fashion assistants ahead paused their frantic typing for a moment and I noticed a discreetly opened a new tab on their screens without turning around.

Don’t worry, we’ll let you in on the secret, too (ASOS Petite, yo!), and even toss in some friendly advice: order a pair right now; heck, order two if you’re unsure on the right size, and return the second one later. Because the girls on our team have no qualms about beating you to it.

See Callie Turner, above, in her magic Asos under-$50 jeans.