Pressure Builds for Sessions, Tillerson to Make Clear Their Stance on 'Muslim Ban'

Did President Donald Trump’s nominee for attorney general, Jeff Sessions, have a role in creating the widely panned “Muslim ban”? And would he help enforce it?

According to 189 civil and human rights organizations, including the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Jewish Voice for Peace, and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the Senate Judiciary Committee must get answers to these questions or they face “a gross dereliction of [their] duty.”

Time’s running out for sussing out the facts, too, as the committee will vote Tuesday on his nomination, and if it passes, it will head to the full Senate, “where he’s expected to ultimately be approved,” The Hill writes. 

In a letter sent Monday to committee chairman Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), the organizations write:

Chief among their concerns are Trump’s executive order Friday targeting seven predominantly Muslim nations and “his continued pursuit of voter fraud theories,” which infringe upon civil liberties and civil rights.

Sessions has spoken in favor of a Muslim ban, though the organizations point out that

Further, they continue,

Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), who sits on the committee, has already come out against Sessions’ appointment, saying Sunday: “He’s supposed to be the chief law enforcement officer, but he talks like he’ going to be Trump’s personal attorney.” In a statement Monday, he added that Sessions “has failed to provide answers to many of my written questions, including questions regarding his involvement in the drafting of the anti-Muslim executive order that has already disrupted lives and our national security.”