As President Donald Trump appears to be making up phone calls between himself and “the head of the Boy Scouts” and the president of Mexico, his approval rating has sunk to an all-time low, while his disapproval rating has reached its highest number.
The Quinnipiac University national poll released Wednesday shows that a mere 33 percent of American voters approve of the job he’s doing as president, while 61 percent disapprove. The new figures, says Quinnipiac, are the lowest approval and highest disapproval number since Trump took office.
There’s no wishy-washy-ness about it. Fifty-five percent say they disapprove strongly; 6 percent say they disapprove somewhat.
The figures mark a steep drop from Quinnipiac’s June 29 poll, which showed a 40 percent approval rating and 55 percent disapproval rating.
Among the poll’s other findings are that 71 percent say Trump is not level-headed; 62 percent say he is not honest; 63 percent believe he does not have good leadership skills; and 58 percent believe he’s attempted to interfere in the investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.
A majority would also like to see the tweeter-in-chief curb his social media habits.