Did Trump's Pick for Consumer Agency Help 'Lock Immigrant Children Up in Cages'? Senators Demand Answers

Kathy Kraninger—the White House budget official and Mick Mulvaney “flunky” who President Donald Trump nominated to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau—has zero relevant experience in financial regulation or consumer protection.

“The American people deserve to know whether Kathy Kraninger helped lock immigrant children up in cages before Donald Trump gives her a big promotion to lead the consumer watchdog.”
—Sens. Elizabeth Warren

“And it gets even worse,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) declared in a tweet on Tuesday. “Kraninger helps oversee the agencies that are ripping kids from their parents.”

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In a letter sent to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Tuesday, Warren joined Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) in demanding that Kraninger hand over all documents related to her role in overseeing the federal agencies like the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security, which are currently carrying out Trump’s inhumane family separation policy.

Warren and Brown also demanded that Kraninger turn over any email communications with Trump’s senior adviser Stephen Miller—the administration’s most fervent advocate for the family separation policy—and other White House officials related to its so-called “zero tolerance” immigration agenda.

“We write seeking documents and other information about your role in the development and implementation of the Trump administration’s ‘zero tolerance policy,’ which has led the administration to separate thousands of young children from their parents,” the senators write, demanding the documents before Kraninger’s confirmation hearing, which has yet to be officially scheduled.