Far More Is Needed, Say Green Groups, But Hour-Long Sunday Show Segment on Climate Crisis a 'Huge' Testament to Grassroots Pressure

The corporate media has long failed miserably to cover the climate crisis with the urgency, accuracy, and frequency that the science demands, so green groups and scientists cautiously applauded after NBC‘s “Meet the Press” devoted its entire hour-long Sunday show to climate change and its devastating consequences.

“We pushed serious climate and economic policy into the national discussion since the midterms.”
—Justice Democrats

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Described by one observer as the first of its kind, NBC‘s segment was viewed by youth climate leaders as a major testament to the power of persistent grassroots organizing to bring a life-or-death issue like the global climate crisis to the center of national attention.

“Glad that ‘Meet the Press’ devoted a full hour to climate change—that’s huge and shows how grassroots organizing is making climate change a top issue in our country,” declared the youth-led Sunrise Movement on Twitter. “Next time we’d love to see Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) plus a young person from the Sunrise Movement on to talk about the Green New Deal.”

This sentiment was echoed by Intercept contributing writer Kate Aronoff, who argued that it’s not enough to run a single segment on the climate crisis—media outlets must also consistently elevate voices pushing for the ambitious solutions that are necessary to avert planet-wide catastrophe.

“The kind of enraging thing about this is that because climate change gets talked about so little on Sunday talk shows, there’s not much appetite for evaluating the quality of this conversation.”
—Kate Aronoff, The Intercept