Wear-resistant ceramic liner tile is a wear-resistant product with high wear resistance, high temperature resistance and strong corrosion resistance. It is widely used in the industrial field. There are various construction methods Chemshun Ceramics shared with you :
1. Paste
The paste type is to paste the wear-resistant ceramic sheet on the inner surface of the equipment with viscose. This method is easy to install and low cost, especially suitable for large-scale construction on site, saving maintenance time. However, because viscose is mainly organic components, it is not resistant to high temperature (high temperature resistance of 200 ° C). Therefore, this paste method is only suitable for working environment at room temperature.
2. Welding
The welding type is to weld the wear-resistant ceramic wear plate to the equipment through the welding hole in the middle of the wear-resistant ceramic sheet, and at the same time cooperate with adhesive paste to achieve the purpose of double insurance. The welded type is suitable for high temperature pipelines (500°C) or parts with slight impact, such as kiln tail dust removal pipelines, humidification tower inlet and outlet pipelines, etc.
3. Dovetail Cassette
Dovetail mounting is an installation method in which two trapezoidal steel bars are welded on the equipment in parallel to form a dovetail groove, and then the dovetail ceramic is inserted into the dovetail groove. This method is mature and reliable, can withstand high temperature of 700 ° C, and is especially suitable for anti-wear of moving parts, such as fan impellers. However, this process is complicated and is only suitable for flat construction.
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