Impact Wrestling returned to Sam’s Town Casino in Las Vegas this Saturday night for the second round of television tapings, which should begin rolling out on 3/8 and 3/15. Click here for complete results from night one to get caught up.
Dark Match
— Trey Miguel def. Daga
— Rich Swann def. Ethan Page
— After the match oVe came out and Sami Callihan said that tonight was the night that Swann FINALLY joined his brothers. He said Sami was the only person who came to see him in the hospital because they are family, and it’s time for him to come home. Swann ended up putting the shirt on and they all celebrated together, until he dropped Callihan with a superkick and hit the Crist brothers with a double cutter.
— Ace Austin def. Jake Atlas
— Alisha Edwards came out and thanked Impact, saying her contract expires at the end of the month and she’s trying to figure out where her life is going to take her next. She contemplates going home and starting a family, which brings out the Desi Hit Squad. Gama Singh says he’s glad Alisha is finally leaving because women belong at home in the kitchen, which earns him a slap. Eddie Edwards runs out and attacks the DHS with his kendo stick, but got outnumbered. Eli Drake then ran out and helped him fight them off, and the two stared each other down.
— Jordynne Grace, Kiera Hogan & Rosemary def. Allie, Su Yung & The Undead Bridesmaid
— Scarlett Bordeaux is introduced to talk about her upcoming in-ring debut. She talks about all the submissions she received for her services, and out of all of them Disco Inferno’s was easily the worst. Disco actually came out and talked about how Scarlett has become one of the hottest stars on Impact using her body alone, and questions why she wants to get in the ring, saying she’s going to suck if she tries to wrestle. Disco says women’s wrestling has been good since the old Bra & Panties days, and tells Scarlett to go home and do some dishes. Scarlett slaps him and says she could kick his ass, and will make Disco her bitch.
— The Lucha Bros. def. The Rascalz
— Luchasaurus def. Chris Bey
— oVe def. Rich Swann, Willie Mack & Tommy Dreamer
— Disco Inferno came out and trashed Impact Wrestling, demanding a match. He easily defeated Kikutaro in a quick match.
— Fallah Bahh & KM def. Reno Scum
#1 Contender’s Match
— Jordynne Grace def. Tessa Blanchard
— After the match Tessa freaked out at the fans and started attacking a poor kid who was on the ring crew. Gail Kim ran out and got into it with her, and Tessa barely crawled away to safety.
— Eddie Edwards & Eli Drake def. The Desi Hit Squad
— Johnny Impact’s music played for the main event, but instead Killer Kross came out dragging the champion with a cinder block in his other hand. Wrestlers from the locker room empty out and Kross fights them off one by one. He threatens to smash Johnny’s head into the cinder block using a steel chair, when Taya Valkyrie and Brian Cage ran out. The two men go at it and eventually chase off Kross. Taya thanks and embraces Cage, then kicks him in the nuts out of nowhere! Johnny jumped to his feet, revealing it was all a huge set-up. They all attack Cage and Johnny finishes him off by smashing the cinder block across his head, leaving with Taya and Kross by his side.