— Midcard Mafia, the animated web series starring Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins, has been marked private on Reks’ YouTube account. Reks and Hawkins mentioned having heat with WWE over the series in their latest episode.
— Former WWE stars Carlito, Chavo Guerrero and Kenny Dykstra are advertised to appear for World Wrestling Council from Jan. 6-8, 2012. On the 7th in Bayamon, Puerto Rico, Carlito will defend the Universal Heavyweight Championship against Dykstra.
— The Dec. 16, 2011 WWE SuperShow in Fort Myers, Florida drew 5,500 fans paying $155,000. The Dec. 17 WWE Supershow in Long Island, New York drew 7,000 fans paying $285,000.
— Shelly Martinez released the following video message from the set of her latest photo shoot.
*EXCLUSIVE* photos of Lilian Garcia handcuffed to CM Punk at WWE TLC
source: F4WOnline.com