Spoiler: NXT Stars' New Ring Names Revealed At TV Taping Last Night

As noted, WWE taped a pair of matches for the post-NXT TakeOver: New Orleans episode of NXT TV on the WWE Network this Wednesday prior to last night’s live NXT special from the Smoothie King Center in New Orleans, Louisiana.

During the taping, it was revealed that NXT newcomers War Machine have received new ring names. The team of Ray Rowe and Hanson interrupted a match between Heavy Machinery and the team of Tino Sabbatelli and Riddick Moss, taking out both teams in the process.

It was announced that the duo, who were previously dubbed, “War Machine,” will now be known as the “War Raiders” in NXT.

For those who missed it, you can check out a recap of the matches taped for Wednesday’s NXT TV by clicking here.

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