Clinton Challenged to Break Up—and Break Up With—Wall Street Banks

Faced with the possibility of yet another Wall Street crony taking over the Oval Office next year, progressive lawmakers are directly challenging Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton to break up—and break up with—the big banks.

Speaking at an annual meeting for progressive organizers and advocacy groups on Friday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) called on presidential hopefuls to support recently introduced legislation that would stem the ever-turning revolving door between government and the financial industry.

“We have a presidential election coming up. I think anyone running for that job—anyone who wants the power to make every key economic appointment and nomination across the federal government—should say loud and clear that they agree: we don’t run this country for Wall Street and mega corporations. We run it for people,” Warren said, according to her prepared remarks, during the keynote address.

“So let’s turn that into something specific,” Warren told the thousands convened at the Netroots Nation annual convention, held this year in Phoenix, Arizona from July 16-19.

The new bill, introduced by Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) this week, “won’t fix everything, but it will throw some heavy sand in the gears of the revolving door—and it’s a bill any presidential candidate should be able to cheer for,” Warren said.

As Nation columnist George Zornick notes, Warren’s address “can fairly be read as a direct challenge to Clinton,” who is known for her long-standing ties to Wall Street.