The Hill's Campaign Report: Buzz builds around Warren for VP

Welcome to The Hill’s Campaign Report, your daily rundown on all the latest news in the 2020 presidential, Senate and House races. Did someone forward this to you? Click here to subscribe.

We’re Julia Manchester, Max Greenwood and Jonathan Easley. Here’s what we’re watching today on the campaign trail.



Buzz is growing around Sen. Elizabeth WarrenElizabeth WarrenWarren, Democrats urge Trump to back down from veto threat over changing Confederate-named bases OVERNIGHT DEFENSE: Joint Chiefs chairman says he regrets participating in Trump photo-op | GOP senators back Joint Chiefs chairman who voiced regret over Trump photo-op | Senate panel approves 0B defense policy bill Trump on collision course with Congress over bases with Confederate names MORE’s (D) prospects as former Vice President Joe BidenJoe BidenHillicon Valley: Biden calls on Facebook to change political speech rules | Dems demand hearings after Georgia election chaos | Microsoft stops selling facial recognition tech to police Trump finalizing executive order calling on police to use ‘force with compassion’ The Hill’s Campaign Report: Biden campaign goes on offensive against Facebook MORE’s running mate.

The Hill’s Jonathan Easley reported on Thursday that Stanley Greenberg, one of the Democratic Party’s top pollsters, gave a presentation earlier this month to senior members of Biden’s campaign making the case that Warren would provide the most upside as a vice presidential candidate.

The 14-deck slide presented by Greenberg detailed how Biden will need to grow his support among young people and Democrats who did not vote for him during the primary if he’s going to defeat President TrumpDonald John TrumpSenate advances public lands bill in late-night vote Warren, Democrats urge Trump to back down from veto threat over changing Confederate-named bases Esper orders ‘After Action Review’ of National Guard’s role in protests MORE in November.

The presentation warned that the biggest threat Democrats face in 2020 is the “lack of support and disengagement of millennials and the fragmentation of non-Biden primary voters.”

Greenberg concluded that the intensity of support around Warren’s messages opposing Washington corruption and denouncing the economy as rigged against the middle class would help Biden win over those remaining persuadable voters.

“Senator Warren is the obvious solution,” Greenberg concluded in the presentation.

Those findings were backed up by a Morning Consult-Politico survey released Wednesday that found a plurality of Democrats declaring they would be more likely to vote for Biden in November if he chose Warren as his running mate.


The Hill’s Amie Parnes and Alexander Bolton reported on Thursday that Warren is in regular contact with Biden. She plans to hold a big online fundraiser for him in June and has been sending other signals about her eagerness to join his team.

One big potential obstacle: Massachusetts is governed by Republican Charlie Baker, who could replace her with a new GOP senator until a special election takes place in 2021.

That means Democrats might be down a seat in the Senate in the early days of a potential Biden administration, which could prove costly given how close the battle for the Senate is lining up to be.

–- Jonathan Easley


Top Democratic pollster advises Biden campaign to pick Warren, by Jonathan

The big obstacle facing Warren’s VP candidacy, by Amie and Alexander.



North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper (D) said Thursday that Republican officials have not submitted the proposal requested by his office to detail how they plan to handle health risks at the planned Aug. 24 national convention, raising questions about whether Trump will go through with his threat to pull the convention out of the state. Jonathan reports.

Biden is hoping to decide on a running mate by Aug. 1, a little more than two weeks before the Democratic National Convention. That tracks with the timeline the former vice president previously laid out. He has said that the vetting process should be complete by July and that a final decision will come shortly after that. Jonathan reports.

Federal Election Commission (FEC) commissioner Ellen Weintraub warned on Thursday that President Trump’s claims that mail-in voting comes with an increased risk of fraud threaten to “undermine the American people’s faith in our democracy.” She also wrote that “there’s simply no basis for the conspiracy theory that voting by mail causes fraud. None.” The Hill’s Justin Wise reports.


The Wisconsin Elections Commission on Wednesday approved a plan to send absentee ballot applications to more than 2.7 million registered voters, in a move that comes as Trump continues to attack mail-in ballots as leading to fraud. Justin reports. 

Everytown for Gun Safety rolled out its first round of House endorsements on Thursday, committing to double down on its effort to protect what it has dubbed a “gun sense majority” in the lower chamber. The 58 endorsements, which were released exclusively to The Hill’s Julia Manchester, mark the first round of the group’s $60 million electoral program.

Meanwhile, the Brady PAC, another gun safety group, has rolled out its final slate of endorsements, including Reps. TJ Cox (D-Calif.), Abby FinkenauerAbby Lea FinkenauerIowa Republican Ashley Hinson wins House primary Gloves come off as Democrats fight for House seat in California The Hill’s Campaign Report: Buzz builds around Warren for VP MORE (D-Iowa), Sean CastenSean CastenThe Hill’s Campaign Report: Buzz builds around Warren for VP Gun control group rolls out House endorsements Human Rights Campaign rolls out congressional endorsements on Equality Act anniversary MORE (D-Ill.), Haley StevensHaley Maria StevensThe Hill’s Campaign Report: Buzz builds around Warren for VP Gun control group rolls out House endorsements Human Rights Campaign rolls out congressional endorsements on Equality Act anniversary MORE (D-Mich.), Angie Craig (D-Minn.), Chris PappasChristopher (Chris) Charles PappasExpanding tax credit for businesses retaining workers gains bipartisan support The Hill’s Campaign Report: Buzz builds around Warren for VP Gun control group rolls out House endorsements MORE (D-N.H.), Antonio DelgadoAntonio Ramon DelgadoThe Hill’s Campaign Report: Buzz builds around Warren for VP Gun control group rolls out House endorsements Human Rights Campaign rolls out congressional endorsements on Equality Act anniversary MORE (D-N.Y.) and Matt CartwrightMatthew (Matt) Alton CartwrightRepublican Jim Bognet to challenge Pennsylvania Rep. Matt Cartwright Key races to watch in Tuesday’s primaries The Hill’s Campaign Report: Buzz builds around Warren for VP MORE (D-Pa.). It’s their final slate of frontline endorsements.

Vermont Gov. Phil Scott (R) on Thursday said that he would run for a third term in office — but that he would not mount a traditional campaign or raise money in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Reid Wilson reports.



Antjuan Seawright: “Lifting our voices — and votes.”

Douglas SchoenDouglas SchoenSunday shows – Focus shifts to Judiciary impeachment hearing Bloomberg pollster: Candidate’s campaign will focus on climate change, guns, education and income inequality Ukraine scandal shows that foreign influence is a bipartisan affair MORE: “Joe Biden has uncertain road to presidency across swing states.”




Former White House hopeful Julián Castro launched a new political action committee to boost progressive down-ballot Democrats. Tal Axelrod reports.




Biden: 48 percent (+/-0)


Trump: 47 percent (-1)



(Keep in mind these dates could change because of the outbreak.)

June 2:

District of Columbia primaries

Indiana primaries

Maryland primaries

Montana primaries

New Mexico primaries

Pennsylvania primaries

Click Here: cheap INTERNATIONAL jersey

Rhode Island primaries

South Dakota primaries


June 9:

Georgia primaries

West Virginia primaries


June 23:

Kentucky primaries


July 7:

New Jersey primaries

Delaware primary


July 11:



July 14:

Alabama Republican Senate primary runoff


August 11:

Connecticut primary


August 17-20:

Democratic National Convention


August 24-27:

Republican National Convention



Over the past few months, we’ve told you about how some of your favorite celebrities are doing during quarantine, and today we can report that 98-year-old actress Betty White is holding up just fine.

A spokesperson for the “Golden Girls” and “Hot in Cleveland” star told the Today Show that she’s practicing responsible social distancing.

“No one permitted in except those who must. Has helpers who are great with her,” the spokesperson said in an email to the show.

Additionally, her publicist revealed that a family of ducks frequently checks in on White in her backyard.

“The animal community is watching over her,” the publicist said. “The virus is afraid of Betty!”

We’ll catch you tomorrow for the latest campaign news and updates.