Return of the clones
After being sent back to the drawing board, the European Commission has sent a proposal on meat from cloned animals back to the Parliament.
One of the first issues that will confront the European Parliament after the May elections will be the controversial subject of how to regulate the production of meat from cloned animals. In December, the European Commission published a revised proposal for legislation on cloned animals. An earlier draft had been withdrawn in 2011 because MEPs were deadlocked with member states over the sensitive issue of whether all succeeding generations of cloned animals should be labelled.
MEPs insisted that meat from all descendants of cloned animals should be labelled as such. But member states were opposed to this, on grounds of complication and cost. They were willing to agree only that meat from first-generation offspring should be labelled. This compromise was rejected by MEPs.
The Commission’s latest proposal is closer to the member states’ position. It says a comprehensive impact analysis and feasibility study would be required before the labelling of meat from the offspring of cloned animals could be considered. This is likely to meet fierce resistance in the Parliament.
“These measures are unfortunately a near duplicate of previous efforts which failed three years ago, which leaves us at a standstill,” said Monique Goyens, director-general of European consumer organisation BEUC. “The Commission had plenty of time to come up with a more ambitious proposal. The lack of progress is disheartening.”