While some of us idealise some political figures in our lives, there are some who treat them as Gods.
Controversial BJP MLA Surendra Singh seems to have done just that. Hindu beliefs have cited that the Gods who walked this earth would reincarnate themselves and come back. For Singh, that seems to be none other than our Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Singh has termedPrimeMinisterNarendra Modia reincarnation of Lord Ram who along withpartypresidentAmit ShahandUttar PradeshChiefMinisterYogi Adityanathwill realise the dream ofRam Rajyain the country. The MLA from the ruling party said that he feels the gods had sentAmit Shahas Lord Ram’s brotherLaxmanand as Chanakya, thelegendary advisor to emperorChandragupta Maurya. Referring to Adityanath, he said, “And see the coincidence that as Brahmachari Hanuman, Yogiji has also come.”